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4. Wait and Bleed – Slipknot
(Florian Turner)

by C.R.M. Nilsson

You were beautiful. Celestial. Angelic. Inside, however, you concealed a darkness greater than anybody knew.

The pretty little worm (you know his name) makes another whimper, another gasp, another sob. You feel nothing for him. Not even a glimmer of pity. The hatred is consuming you. Because you were so beautiful. You were an angel. And he, this pathetic sobbing little worm, wouldn’t save you!

You saw him through the windows you couldn’t reach, the firing roaring so hot in front of you. He tried to get in, but failed. And the debris fell down on you, squashed you, pinned you. You were bleeding and then the fire was burning you.


Copyright C.R.M. Nilsson 2010

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