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9. Best I Ever Had – State of Shock
(Justin Summerset)

by C.R.M. Nilsson

When Justin was young, he’d been in love with a girl named Donna Noble. Yes, like the Doctor Who-character. He’d done everything for her, even study his most hated subject: Philosophy. He was dying to let her know that he loved her, but always chickening at the last minute.

He would not get any second chances: Donna was involved in a hit and run. She never woke up from the coma.

It took years for him to get over her and he always whispered sorry when he reached her grave. He should have saved her!

He couldn’t dance when he met Darlene Yang. She loved him despite of this, however. She was a sweet girl and for a while they were living like a love song. He wanted to spend his life with her, because she was the best he ever had. He wanted to have kids with her, wanted to grow old with her, of course he wanted to marry her!

But he was reminded that she was not Donna and started distancing himself. He threw away all their dreams when it turned out Darlene was infertile and left. He realised too late that he’d thrown away the best he ever had.


Copyright C.R.M. Nilsson 2010

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